In the blog post I chose, "The Most Important Line From the Chapter", I use the strategy called short quote This quote was "'I'm not going to be murdered,' Harry said out loud. 'That's the spirit, dear,' said his mirror sleepily." I chose this quote because even though it doesn't seem like much it means a lot. It's the last sentence in the chapter which means that's what it is ending with. It's important also because it makes us wonder why would he get murdered, who would murder him, and why is his mirror talking to him, it forces us to keep reading and go on through the book. This quotenshows the art of the short quote because it is shorter than most (two sentences), and when you read it your tone is short and finalized because it happens to be at the end of the chapter which makes that part of the story end for a minute making it sound shorter when you read it. The use of the short quote where it is being used is really affective because it forces the reader to really analyze the plot of the story and ponder what happens next and really engages the audience.
2. Identify and discuss purposeful diction AND syntax choices you utilized to enhance your writer’s voice with the blog post. You must choose to discuss at least one diction AND one syntax technique presented in the blog post. For a reminder, please see our recent handout “Diction and Syntax Review.” Make sure to include the specific quotes from your post which illustrate the diction and syntax technique (at least one quote that demonstrates each one) in response to this question.
One example of diction from the blog post is "This sentence forces us to keep reading because we are so engulfed in the story that we need to know..." The diction example in this sentence is engulfed. This word serves a purpose in the blog post not only to show I have a voice in my writing but also to illustrate how much we get sucked into reading sometimes and the best way to describe it is to use a word such as engulfed. One example of advanced syntax is, "You have to end it with a sentence that makes you want to keep reading and keeps you compelled within the book, wondering, pondering, questioning what's going to happen next so you don't have a choice to keep reading." This syntax strategy is called asydeton and it serves a purpose as well. I chose synonyms to the word wondered because I thought about how much I was thinking about what was going to happen next in the story when I was reading it that saying one word one time wasn't enough. The strategy really helped to get my point across of how much this quote really made me think.
3. Please, in your own words, identify the technology used in your blog post and explain the benefit of using technology to enhance the conversations within your blog post. In this particular blog post, please explain how the specific technology piece allows for further thought and consideration by your audience.
Here's the link I used in that particular post.
Here's the link to the blog post I've been referring to.